BUTBA – EOSM Proposals and Nominations Now Open


Message from the Secretary (Charlie Baldwin):

Hi all,

Firstly, proposals for the End of Season Meeting are now open, the closing date for all proposals/motions will be 12:00pm Sunday 16th June.  Please be aware that all motions/proposals will be looked at by the current BUTBA Committee prior to the EOSM.  This means that some proposals may not make it to the meeting, this maybe for instance because 2 people have submitted the same proposal, or elements of it may overlap with another persons motion. Also the Extraordinary General Meeting Minutes from October 2012 are attached. Please READ these first before suggesting, any proposals to do with the BUTBA Cup, as that meeting specifically covered the BUTBA Cup. Proposals/Motions will be accepted through EMAIL only.

Secondly, nominations for election to the BUTBA Committee are now open.  Here is a document with a quick description of what every committee position entails as well as the email address for every current BUTBA Committee member.  Nominations will be closed at 12:00pm on Sunday 16th June.

If you have any questions about any of the above points, pleas don’t hesitate to email me at: secretary@butba.co.uk

The BUTBA End of Season meeting for the 2012 – 2013 season will take place at Rugby Superbowl (Junction One Retail Park  Leicester Rd, Rugby CV21 1RW) on Saturday 6th July.  I will update you all with more specific details in the coming weeks.

Please let me know in advance if your club is unable to attend the EOSM, otherwise if we do not hear from you, it maybe presumed that your club has folded.

Thanks and Regards,

Charlie Baldwin – BUTBA Secretary 2010-2013

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