Please note the following for Loughborough Diamond Sixes:
- The bowl will be open from 8am with registration taking place from 8:20am.
- Remember, no student card, no play.
- Not all the team has to be there at registration. During initial registration I will expect all player names (including the order), all average’s (including proof for none BUTBA averages) and student cards for bowlers that are in the center.
- If you are a bowler that arrives later in the day, please come to the tournament desk with your student card to register.
- For bowlers who have not bowled an OOM prior to Loughborough Sixes, a £1 BUTBA membership will apply. You will also be asked to fill in a form on registration with your contact details and your preference in regards to OOM choice.
Any comments, either comment below, ask on the forum or email me on