Oiled Down Warwick

The 2012-3 BUTBA season got underway with its first OoM Tournament, the Warwick Scratch Matchplay Doubles, on Saturday 20th October at 1st Bowl Nuneaton. This is the only Scratch OoM tournament that we run, and as such has a habit of throwing up some impressive scores, but unfortunately this season it will be remembered more because of the controversy surrounding it, than because of the events of the tournament itself.

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Welcome to the New Site for BUTBA

  Welcome to the brand new site for the British Universities Tenpin Bowling Association. You can find on this site, all the things you need for British Universities Tenpin Bowling. Any questions you have or queries about how to use the site, feel free to message me on the forum under the website section.

New Season, New BUTBA, Same Old Press Secretary

To mark the end of one season of student bowling and the start of the next we held the traditional Masters Weekend of bowling on the 6th and 7th of October 2012. This was comprised of the BUTBA (British Universities Tenpin Bowling Association) Men’s Scratch Masters, the Ladies’ Scratch Masters and the Handicap Masters tournaments on the Saturday (with the Order of Merit Trophy Presentation in the middle of it!), and the BUTBA Student vs Ex-student Challenge Match on the Sunday (with our AGM in the middle of it!), all of which were held at 1st Bowl in Nottingham.

In other words, an awful lot happened over a single weekend, and I’ll do my best to summarise events as succinctly as possible!

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